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2024 Hustler LM630 Harrow


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Seller Comments

Regenerate and improve pastures health and growth. Chain Harrowing your pasture promotes new grass growth by removing old thatch & moss, increasing air movement and water filtration and giving shoots the access to Vitamin D from the sun they need to thrive. It also aids drainage by aerating and scarifying your soil, reducing muddy patches and standing water. Harrowing in Autumn will aid germination of grass seed from over winter.
Post Grazing Harrowing helps to break up manure and evenly distribute this natural fertilizer into the soil. You will also see a reduction in pasture smothering from large piles of manure. The ReGener8r’s 4 rows of Chains means extra aggression on old dried out piles of manure. text4233687753 or4233687755

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